As we work here in Japan we are so thankful that you are all partnering with us in prayer and other kinds of support the whole time!
Riding around the Noto peninsular though there were moments where I wished that it was you rather than me, not necessarily on the hard uphills because I often felt like it was hard but there was an end in sight, a tangible achievement. The times when it was the hardest and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else would do better than me were in the times when I was tired and then had to try and communicate across language barriers, and eat food that I am so unaccustomed to.
However it is these times that I think God is reminding me most richly about His ongoing grace. It is only by His grace that I am able to play the role of missionary, to be a part of a family business that I have no right to enjoy the priviledges of, and to be strengthened in my relationship with Him and His people in the process.
During cycling we were taken care of by two wonderful OM (Operation Mobilisation) missionaries - Stephan and Simon. Stephan is Dutch South African and Simon is Korean Australian. Both guys are here with their wives and kids, living in one of the more remote parts of Japan (atleast compared to Tokyo) and attempting the learn the language and the culture in order to be able to serve God in this land. Please join us in thanking God for these men, and praying for them and their families as they form friendships, learn many things through easy and hard lessons, and as they attempt to share their lives and the gospel with the people around them!
see you all soon :)
In Him