Wow, it's quite intimidating to be posting something when we've got such word smiths on the team... I'm a scientist!
Thank you all for having an interest, heart and concern for the short-term mission work we will be going on.. VERY SOON! I am humbly amazed at the body of Christ. I pray that God will continue to work in your hearts in being able to support us on this exciting venture to bring the good news of Jesus.
Well, why did I decide to join this mission trip? Well, my heritage is the biggest driver for my desire to be a part of this team. I guess by observing my family and my family friends and how even though they're in a culture that "encourages" Jesus to be proclaimed they still don't know the absolute love of the Lord.
I feel there's a reason as to why I was born and raised here in Australia. There's a reason why my parents wanted me to keep my heritage alive by knowing Japanese. I'm still not sure if that's because I'm supposed to work in Japan to bring the gospel to those in Japan. Short-term mission is one way for me to get a taste of whether such a life is what God has called me to live.
A lot of people have told me that going on mission to a country such as Japan is pointless and that God does not work there... I want to find this out for myself. I want to follow my heart that God has brought salvation to all through Christ Jesus risen and that there is no height or depth, NOTHING that can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus.
Prayer points:
1. I have fallen ill from all my overtime I did in order to accrue time-in-lieu for the whole duration of the trip. I am getting better thank God, however I'm still not 100%. Please pray I get better.
2. On another note, I have accrued all my time-in-lieu! Thank God that He was able to give me the energy to get through it all. And praise God that I could get this time in the first place!
3. My language is a little rusty. I haven't been using it lately because I don't see my family much :(. I hope I can be a help to the team!
4. Praise God that finances are slowly on the rise.. help us to rely on God and to provide us with funds.
5. Pray give me the energy to prepare myself mentally, literally and physically for this trip!
love, prayers and (for the girls) hugs
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Reporting in... only 2 weeks to go!!
Hi, I'm Kevin.
If you're reading this blog, thanks heaps for getting behind our team and this mission. Your support really means a lot to us and I hope that we can really partner with you all in this.
There's just over 2 weeks to go, and this time has come scarily fast - it feels like it'll be no time before we're on the plane to Japan! Please be praying that we keep diligent in preparing and raising support.
Well, I'd like to share with you a bit about why I'm going. I've actually been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I've wanted to join a short term mission trip for a long time, where I can be on full-time mission in a place people haven't had the chance to hear the gospel as much as we have in Australia. It's an opportunity to serve God, be stretched in faith and to get a better idea of whether this is the sort of thing God wants me to do later on (especially in Japan). As for Japan, most people think that it's somewhere to go on holiday rather than mission, but it's actually one of the least evangelised nations in Asia, with less than 1% of Christians. It's a land of plenty, but without the most important thing they could have - faith in the One who made them, and the only One who can give them life to the full. I've been interested in Japanese language (I found it a lot easier to learn than Chinese), manga, anime, culture (I kind of associate a bit with their politeness), food, and people. I've met many Japanese international/exchange students through FOCUS and Barney's International Service, and have been blessed to be friends with them. So when it happened that the mission was during exams and I was doing internship (so I didn't have to do any subjects), and that the mission was to Japan, it was like, thank You God!
Please pray that I'll keep humble and reliant upon God, and seeking to give my all.
Please pray that as I finish my internship I won't become lazy or lose ownership but rather to work hard as if for God to the end.
Please pray that I'll spend more time on relationships (and less on not so important things), especially as I invite people to support us.
In Christ,
If you're reading this blog, thanks heaps for getting behind our team and this mission. Your support really means a lot to us and I hope that we can really partner with you all in this.
There's just over 2 weeks to go, and this time has come scarily fast - it feels like it'll be no time before we're on the plane to Japan! Please be praying that we keep diligent in preparing and raising support.
Well, I'd like to share with you a bit about why I'm going. I've actually been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I've wanted to join a short term mission trip for a long time, where I can be on full-time mission in a place people haven't had the chance to hear the gospel as much as we have in Australia. It's an opportunity to serve God, be stretched in faith and to get a better idea of whether this is the sort of thing God wants me to do later on (especially in Japan). As for Japan, most people think that it's somewhere to go on holiday rather than mission, but it's actually one of the least evangelised nations in Asia, with less than 1% of Christians. It's a land of plenty, but without the most important thing they could have - faith in the One who made them, and the only One who can give them life to the full. I've been interested in Japanese language (I found it a lot easier to learn than Chinese), manga, anime, culture (I kind of associate a bit with their politeness), food, and people. I've met many Japanese international/exchange students through FOCUS and Barney's International Service, and have been blessed to be friends with them. So when it happened that the mission was during exams and I was doing internship (so I didn't have to do any subjects), and that the mission was to Japan, it was like, thank You God!
Please pray that I'll keep humble and reliant upon God, and seeking to give my all.
Please pray that as I finish my internship I won't become lazy or lose ownership but rather to work hard as if for God to the end.
Please pray that I'll spend more time on relationships (and less on not so important things), especially as I invite people to support us.
In Christ,
The Intro
I would first like to publicly commend those individuals, churches and others whom God has put on their hearts to support this mission team. I hope you agree with me in the thought that you're contribution is in the eyes of God and us on the team as equally important to the launch of this outreach as each 'team' member's physical presence.
Next! Why I am on the team......good question. Since the start of my Christian walk (which for happened at a definite point in 2005) I have been praying (although inconsistently) and asking for God to lead me to the next step. Becoming a Christian in the second last year of High school I hope His answer to my prayer back then was to continue my studies at university. My results in High school had gotten worse year by year but somehow I had just enough UAI to get into my current course Mathematics, Computing and International Studies (I chose Japan of course). So being a 4th year student of a 5 year course I am nearing the pinnacle life-altering moment once again and thus I am desperately asking once again where to go next. I come from a non-Christian home but my parents have over the years of my life been the most influential and loving people I have been blessed to have care for me. However, I do not want to wait idly for an answer to be transmitted to me from either God or parents. My participation in this team has personal significance because this is where I will be evaluating if I am suited to this calling. I intend to take the initiative in faith on this mission.
Why Japan? Since birth the country that I have been most interested in besides the country where I was born (Croatia) and the country in which I was raised (Australia), is Japan. As a child I was interested in Origami and Ninjas, which developed into an interest in Bushido, martial arts, written script and spoken language, anime, TV dramas, film. What drew to me Japan was being an Oriental country it was completely opposite to the western countries of my birth and upbringing. My superficial interest has over the years deepened into something I cannot put into words, but it has led me to study here in Tokyo for a year and to participate in this cross-cultural mission team.
I wanted to keep this brief, I hope it is. There is more to this story and I pray you would continue to read and support the team as we venture in God's name.
Next! Why I am on the team......good question. Since the start of my Christian walk (which for happened at a definite point in 2005) I have been praying (although inconsistently) and asking for God to lead me to the next step. Becoming a Christian in the second last year of High school I hope His answer to my prayer back then was to continue my studies at university. My results in High school had gotten worse year by year but somehow I had just enough UAI to get into my current course Mathematics, Computing and International Studies (I chose Japan of course). So being a 4th year student of a 5 year course I am nearing the pinnacle life-altering moment once again and thus I am desperately asking once again where to go next. I come from a non-Christian home but my parents have over the years of my life been the most influential and loving people I have been blessed to have care for me. However, I do not want to wait idly for an answer to be transmitted to me from either God or parents. My participation in this team has personal significance because this is where I will be evaluating if I am suited to this calling. I intend to take the initiative in faith on this mission.
Why Japan? Since birth the country that I have been most interested in besides the country where I was born (Croatia) and the country in which I was raised (Australia), is Japan. As a child I was interested in Origami and Ninjas, which developed into an interest in Bushido, martial arts, written script and spoken language, anime, TV dramas, film. What drew to me Japan was being an Oriental country it was completely opposite to the western countries of my birth and upbringing. My superficial interest has over the years deepened into something I cannot put into words, but it has led me to study here in Tokyo for a year and to participate in this cross-cultural mission team.
I wanted to keep this brief, I hope it is. There is more to this story and I pray you would continue to read and support the team as we venture in God's name.
J and Fi's update
Many thanks to Mark, Claire and our own Kevin for hosting and organising a great night, and many thanks to YOU for supporting us =D.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Smooth sailing!
So it's been about a month and a half since i arrived here in Japan already, and praise God that i have been able to settle in and get used to life on my own here in Yamanashi. It's an amazing privilege and a great opportunity for me to grow and do ministry here :) He has given me so many rich experiences here already (if you want to know more about those experiences, my personal blog has some pretty long posts about that :D ), and i look forward to whatever else He has in store for me here in Japan, and on the upcoming mission trip!
I was also able to meet up with some of the people we will be working with on the mission trip, and they're really awesome people. Makiko, one of the staffworkers in KGK, is really really good at English and her accent is amazing! Sousei (whose name means "Genesis") is another staffworker - a really cheery and talkative guy. His English isn't quite as good as Makiko's but it seems he has a heart for God :) It's been really encouraging meeting up with such awesome Christians here in a land where i thought Christianity was dead. I initially thought that the Christians here wouldn't be so strong, but it appears that the fact that they are a minority makes their faith so much more worth holding onto.
Just yesterday i checked out the local baptist church, which just received a new pastor, who did mission in America and in Japan. He told me about his experiences as a missionary in Japan, and told me of one method of street evangelism that really worked in tokyo. The team consisted of 10 people - 5 americans and 5 Japanese. two from this team paired off - one Japanese, one American. The american stood up front to do the streetside preaching whilst the Japanese guy translated. The people were very interested because it's rare to see someone speaking on the streets in English. In a short period of time, using that method of evangelism, 7 people turned to Christ (which i think is awesome!). So it appears that perhaps us English speakers can use that English speaking skill to our advantage!
Praise points:
- For the amazing privilege it is to be here to learn more about Him and serve Him and His people
- For the great opportunities that He's given me so far to build relationships with other exchange students and local Japanese people
- For allowing me to settle in so well
- For growing my language skills
- For the great love He has shown me through the churches and Christian groups here
- For the encouraging faith of the Christians here - their humility, kindness and hospitality
- For keeping me healthy for the past one and a half months
Prayer points:
- That i will stay healthy
- That i will use my time well, as i also have a pretty big assignment (worth 35%, but that's 35% of a 24 credit point subject!). Please pray that i will do my work diligently!
- That my language ability and cultural understanding will continue to improve
- For the churches here to grow in their knowledge and love of Christ
Thanks guys :D
Harry Lam
Fi's First F(P)ost
Well, it was almost there with the alliteration.
So I'm here on our Japan team blog to let you know why I'm on the team, how I'm finding things and what you can be praying for me in the leadup to our trip.

I guess I'll start with the first one - why I'm on the trip. I went to Japan in summer of 04/05, when it was winter there - a cold, snowy, fascinating winter. Japan is one of the few places I've been overseas where I've felt isolated. Language and being able to communicate for me is a big thing, and when I can't say what I mean, I struggle.
Thinking back to the two weeks I was there, I remember what Jesus said when he sees the masses of people who are harassed and helpless, in need of a shepherd, and a saviour. I saw so many people in Japan, and knowing the statistics, I know that hardly any of them have ever heard Jesus' name, let alone responded to his claim on their lives.
But why me? Someone told me while I was in Japan that I had a gift for language. I'd never thought of it that way, as a gift, that was given for a purpose, only as a talent that I had worked hard to earn. Paul tells us that our gifts are meant to be used for building up the church. I've been studying Japanese for about 2 years all up now, and its very hard! But not as hard as others find it.
I also have been blessed with resources: time, (some) money, and the support of my church. Why not go? As I prayed and waited for opposition and reasons not to go, none came. I'm not sure for what future-looking reason I'm on the team, but I trust that God has a plan for my life, one that will bring him glory and give me great joy in being able to serve him.

Well that's enough for now. I figure more of that will work itself out as the trip goes on.
How I'm finding preparation and prayer points go hand in hand. They kindof explain themselves.
Please pray for:
- energy and building fitness, so that I will be able to cope with the stress of a new situation when we get to Japan
- wisdom until we leave, to know what is important and what can be left for later. I struggle to make decisions about priorities and say 'no' to doing things. pray that I would work on not piling more responsibilities and tasks on my to-do list, which is already considerable
- pray for good rest, health and sleep until we leave. particularly pray for my hands, that I might be able to see a physio and have some exercises to do in Japan to prevent pain that will stop me from being 100%.
- motivation to keep up with uni and work and finish the semester well, both with credo and my church youth group
- for our financial support as a team, that God would provide through his people the exact amount of money we need to do his work
- for patience and love for my family and friends, that I wouldn't be consumed by worry and preparation for the trip but that I would be able to love and serve them in the time left before I go.
I think that's just about enough to be getting on with.
Hope you'll keep reading and praying for us, and that this blog will help you to be seeing God at work in Japan just as we will.
The calm before the storm?
Well, if I was expecting any sort of calm I was fooling myself.
Two assignments, two exams and a whole lot of credo stufs to happen before June 11th makes for a very busy Katty.
I can't wait to be in Japan! I know that God will be at work in us, and that He is big enough to move mountains (in fact to create those mountains from nothing in the first place) and therefore He is the one who is mighty to save all of the lost in Japan. I only ask that He would give us the privilege of being some small part in that.
Prayer Points in the lead up?
*For my assignments and exams that go right up to the morning we leave! Pray that God would give me the concentration and determination to know Him more through my subjects at bible college, and also just to get through this assignment season
*For my health. After burning the candle at too many ends I have landed in bed sick for (hopefully only) a few days. I am thankful to God that this happened here and not in Japan, and pray that this cold would run its course and leave me completely before then
*For our in country contacts as they plan our arrival. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that makes our one-ness so much bigger than all of the things that separate us! Pray for them as they try to arrange programmes that will stretch us and encourage the local believers as well as giving us chances to speak the truth about Jesus to some who don't yet believe
*For our finances. There have been some great encouraging signs here, but there is still some ways to go. Pray that God will raise up more partners for us in this mission, both prayer partners and financial.
Thanks for partnering with us!!
In Him
Two assignments, two exams and a whole lot of credo stufs to happen before June 11th makes for a very busy Katty.
I can't wait to be in Japan! I know that God will be at work in us, and that He is big enough to move mountains (in fact to create those mountains from nothing in the first place) and therefore He is the one who is mighty to save all of the lost in Japan. I only ask that He would give us the privilege of being some small part in that.
Prayer Points in the lead up?
*For my assignments and exams that go right up to the morning we leave! Pray that God would give me the concentration and determination to know Him more through my subjects at bible college, and also just to get through this assignment season
*For my health. After burning the candle at too many ends I have landed in bed sick for (hopefully only) a few days. I am thankful to God that this happened here and not in Japan, and pray that this cold would run its course and leave me completely before then
*For our in country contacts as they plan our arrival. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that makes our one-ness so much bigger than all of the things that separate us! Pray for them as they try to arrange programmes that will stretch us and encourage the local believers as well as giving us chances to speak the truth about Jesus to some who don't yet believe
*For our finances. There have been some great encouraging signs here, but there is still some ways to go. Pray that God will raise up more partners for us in this mission, both prayer partners and financial.
Thanks for partnering with us!!
In Him
Sunday, May 23, 2010
J's starting thoughts
....coz myspace style videos are much more interesting than a whole bunch of text =]
Feel free to leave comments and questions below! =)
Friday, May 21, 2010
It all starts here....
Hello! Thanks for visiting our blog. It's been hugely encouraging that you're keen to support and pray for us, so we're really thankful for you!
The purpose of this blog is to inform you about what's happening while we're in Japan and how you can be supporting us, as well as reflecting on our experiences of God there. We hope you'll find it not too long and boring, but that you'll partner with us in this mission to ultimately glorify God. And if you have any questions, feel free to post a comment!
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